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Welcome to Head Start

Head Start

Vision Statement:
All children need and deserve early child development and preschool experiences that honor their unique characteristics and provide love, warmth, and positive learning experiences. Such experiences will prepare them for success in and in life beyond. All families need and deserve encouragement and support from their communities so that they can achieve their own goals and provide a safe and nurturing environment for their young children. This recognition guides the design of the St. Charles Parish Head Start Program.

The Program:
The St. Charles Parish Public Schools Head Start Program includes 3 and 4 year old children. The program provides comprehensive child development and health services as well as services that promote collaborative relationships with families and community agency partners. Program highlights include:

  • Highly supportive school system administration and school board
  • Certified, diverse and mutually supportive team of educators and staff members
  • LDOE approved Tier I curriculums that foster higher order thinking and positive learning experiences for all students
  • Safe and healthy school environments that nurture children’s growth and development
  • Medical, dental and mental health services for children and access for families
  • Nutritional meals, snacks and dietary services
  • Active participation of families in supporting children’s growth and development and self sufficiency
  • Collaborative partnerships with community agencies and other cooperative entities

Eligibility, Recruitment and Selection of Participants:
The program is open to participants without regard to race, color, creed, gender, disability and national origin. Recruitment includes public relations efforts through person- to- person word of mouth, contacts through churches, community social and recreational events, annual Head Start sponsored activities for the public, television and other forms of media.

The program provides enrollment opportunities first to children from eligible families whose incomes fall below the poverty guidelines, 130% above the poverty guidelines, and 10% any income level as specified by the Office of Management and Budget, an official department of the United States Government. A Recruitment and Selection Committee comprised of individual community residents, community agency partners and school board representatives meets annually or as often as needed to select children for the program and to develop or review policy.  Head Start accepts applications for enrollment year round and maintains a waiting list of eligible children who may be placed in the program as vacancies occur.

Program Monitoring and Licensing:
The St. Charles Parish Head Start Program sites are licensed as Type III Child Care Centers by the Louisiana Department of Education’s Division of Licensing.  The department conducts yearly reviews of all aspects of program operations and recommends corrective actions as needed. Additionally, the Administration for Children and Families of the federal government conducts onsite program evaluation and monitoring annually and provides a summary of recommendations for improvement.


Program Options:
Head Start: Center Based

Two Locations:

  • George Washington Carver Early Learning Center, Hahnville, LA
  • East Bank Head Start Destrehan, LA

Funded Enrollment: 252 children

Program Funding Sources:
Total Federal Funds Awarded for School Year 2019-2020: $1,698,884.00

Total Supplemental Funds Requested for School Year 2019-2020: $1,105,368.62

Contact Information:
G.W. Carver Early Learning Center
337 Gum Street
Hahnville, LA 70057
(985) 783-6617-Office
(985) 783-6626-Fax